Gruul tre split

Started 2 years ago
Lasts 3 hours 30 minutes
Signups closed 2 years ago
Created by Idleiah
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Gruul tre split
Runde 1: apekatt, runde 2: ullvott, runde 3: wubwub
Participants (55 / 56)

Confirmed - apekatt

Tank (2)

1x 1x

Healer (4)

1x 1x 1x 1x
Preachee Har Shaman, Paladin, (...)

DPS (12)

1x 2x 2x 3x 1x 2x 1x
Sarg har og chars til utl (...)
Tåxd rogue + druid
Amaterasi har bare en char :D

Confirmed - ullvott

Tank (2)

1x 1x
Mices Har ikke en alt nr 2 (...)

Healer (3)

1x 1x 1x

DPS (12)

2x 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x 1x 2x
Patchick denne og kanskje rog (...)
Starsoul hunter + priest tilg (...)
Leifadin Har ikke chars
Kimess Har bare denne

Confirmed - wubwub

Tank (3)

1x 1x 1x
Aiieh har bare den ene her

Healer (4)

2x 2x
Thortem Paladin, Druid, Mage (...)


DPS (1)

Caustic Jobb